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If you are currently employed at a clean energy company and are looking to become certified as an Equity Eligible Person, click here.
Welcome to the Energy Workforce Equity Portal
Connect to job seekers, REGISTER AS A CLEAN ENERGY COMPANY, AND post jobs
Connect to employers, explore jobs, and apply to become Equity Eligible Persons
Phase I of the portal was launched on January 31, 2023 and includes:
- Information on qualifications and requirements for job seekers to become Equity Eligible Persons.
- A form for applying to be certified as an Equity Eligible Person.
- A listing of Equity Eligible Persons who have volunteered to identify themselves to potential clean energy companies.
- Information on job postings from clean energy companies for which they are recruiting Equity Eligible Persons.
- Information on workforce training programs administered by DCEO.
- Equity Investment Eligible (EIE) Community Map that can be utilized by anyone to determine if they or someone else reside in an identified equity investment eligible community.
- Information on Equity Eligible Contractors participating in the IPA’s Illinois Shines Program.
- FAQs outlining commonly asked questions and answers on the portal.
- A user guide to help clean energy companies and Equity Eligible Persons navigate the portal easily.
Phase II of the Portal, launched in Summer 2023, includes enhancements to help facilitate more inclusive participation in the clean energy workforce. Additional information can be found on the Portal's Resources page.
Creating Workforce Opportunities-Powering an Equitable Clean Energy Economy for Illinois
The State of Illinois enacted the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (“CEJA”) in September 2021. CEJA signifies the State’s commitment to transition to a clean energy economy and to create economic opportunities for historically underserved communities to participate in and benefit from a growing clean energy economy.
Specifically, CEJA amended the Illinois Power Agency Act (“IPA Act”) to include Section 1-75(c-25), which directed the Illinois Power Agency and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to create this Energy Workforce Equity Portal per 20 ILCS 3855/1-75(c-25). This portal will help build a diverse pipeline of skilled and trained individuals working in the Illinois’ clean energy economy.